Cycling in Silesia Picture gallery
 - Here we start - in the elevated village Zieleniec
 - First we cycle through forests
 - ...and extensive peatbogs
 - pleasant downhill road
 - to the spa park
 - in Duszniki Zdroj
 - Frederic Chopin once staed here
 - Further to the town centre
 - with a nice market square
 - and old paper mill
 - Next part of 1st day stage -
 - amidst stunning landscape
 - and along the river Nysa
 - we arrive to Klodzko
 - Here we find the gothic bridge
 - - a small copy of Charles' Bridge in Prague
 - and the 18th century Prussian fortress.
 - Further on the roads lined with old trees
 - - first to Bardo
 - then Kamieniec
 - and finally to Paczkow
 - called "the Polish Carcassone"
 - with perfectly preserved medieval city walls.
 - What about a cup of coffee?
 - Further to Czech town Javornik
 - Castle Janski Vrch
 - and hotel Taverna.
 - Here worked the - today forgoten composer
 - Along Vidna river in Velka Kras village
 - to Vidnava
 - Garlic soup and beer for a lunch?
 - Again towards "green" border
 - Picknickt table on Polish side
 - Cycle roadsigns in Poland leading...
 - Glucholazy - here our Hotel
 - Goat - not only the arms of the city
 - Further along the slopes of Opawskie Mts
 - Old Jewish cementary...
 - ...and Soviet war memorial in Osoblaha
 - Here we enter the narrow gauge railway...
 - ...and so easy we come towards Albrechtice
 - Czech cycle roadsigns
 - Further along stream valley
 - passing the palace in Linhartovy,
 - through the gardens...
 - into Krnov historic centre
 - "Not for cyclists" :)
 - Details of art deco architecture: Sporitelna means bank.
 - Relief on the fire station
 - The new Hotel "Steiger"
 - and nice room
 - Start of the next stage
 - - we can visit the view tower on Cvilin hill
 - then again on good cycle roads
 - (subsidized by EC...)
 - along big pond
 - and the Opava river

 - again in Poland - St Florian statue
 - and back to Czech Rep. - on cycle roads
 - ar through the "green border"
 - to Opava. A bit of swimming?
 - and towards to historic centre.
 - Market square
 - Silesian Museum Museum
 - The new Iberia*** hotel
 - nice room
 - if you like some more cycling
 - you can cycle to Hrades castle
 - cross the Moravica river this way
 - or... better so.
 - And again a newly build cycle road
 - Poppy field?... no ban in Czech Rep.
 - So we cycle toward palace park
 - in Velke Hostice
 - and to another park
 - in Kraware
 - last miles - road lined with fruit trees
 - free lunch: cherries and plums
 - for the last time trough the border
 - to Krzanowice - where we finish cycling
See detailed tour programme...>